
PHP with MySQL


There are simple 5 steps on how your PHP interacts (connects) to your MySQL database (via PHPMyAdmin). Here are php code snippets you can use.
1.       Create a connection.

                //Declares variables.
                $DBHOST = “localhost”;
                $USERNAME = “root”;
                $PASSWORD = “”;  //if your Dbase has a password, put it between the two double quotes; otherwise leave it blank.

                //creates connection
                $connection = mysql_connect(“DBHOST”,”USERNAME”,””); or die(“Database connection failed” . mysql_error());

The die() function will execute if the connection has failed.

2.       Selecting a database
                $select_db = mysql_select_db(dbMyDatabase”, $connection); or die(“Database selection failed” .  mysql_error());

3.       Perform a database query.
                $query_result = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM tbMyTable
WHERE id = 1
ORDER BY 1 ASC”, $connection); or die(“Database selection has failed” . mysql_error());

4.       Use returned data (if any)
                                echo $row[1] . “ “ . row[2] . “<br />”; //prints the records from tablerow1 and tablerow2 simultaneously

5.       Close the connection.

Putting all the steps in your PHP as one  will look like this:
1.  Create a connection
//Your Codes here
2.  Database selection
<title>My PHP File < /title>
3.  Performing  a query selection
//Your Codes here

4.  Use returned a data
//Your Codes here

5.  Close a connection.
//Your Codes here

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